Iyo __sub__ mashiripiti nzira muPython inoshandiswa kudaidza basa rinotora nharo mbiri, asi nharo yekutanga inodudzirwa sechikamu chechikamu chechipiri chenharo. Izvi zvinogona kutungamirira kumaitiro asingatarisirwi kana subclass ikasashandisa __sub__ mashiripiti nzira.
The __sub__ magic method is used to implement the subtraction operator for objects. It is called when the - operator is used on two objects of the same type. The __sub__ method should return the result of the subtraction operation. For example, if we have a class that represents a complex number, we could define the __sub__ method like this: class ComplexNumber: def __init__(self, real, imaginary): self.real = real self.imaginary = imaginary def __sub__(self, other): return ComplexNumber(self.real - other.real, self.imaginary - other.imaginary) Now we can use the - operator on two ComplexNumber objects: c1 = ComplexNumber(1, 2) c2 = ComplexNumber(3, 4) c3 = c1 - c2 print(c3) # Prints ComplexNumber(real=-2, imaginary=-2)
Chii chinonzi Magic Method
MuPython, mashiripiti nzira imhando yakakosha yebasa iyo inokutendera kuti ufonere basa pasina kudoma zita rayo. Izvi zvinoitwa nekugadzirisa zita rebasa racho neampersand (&).
Rondedzero yeMashiripiti nzira
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